A southern Camellia garden encloses a specimen Magnolia.
Inviting planting surrounds an arrival parking court.
A necessary retention pond mitigating drainage problems becomes a feature in the landscape.
Magnolia allee'
A Magnolia Alee' adds impact to a Mediterranean entrance.
Vistas and Garden Design
You can enjoy vistas from the upper floors of this home.
Garden Design English Tudor Home
Newly planted design enhances the English Tudor architecture.
tropical garden design
A lush tropical garden surrounds this Moorish style home.
Newly built home has a garden that looks as it it has been there for years. *Historic Preservation Award Winner.
Minimalist and classic landscaping
Minimalist, yet classic, approach to beach-front living.
Peacevul Garden Deisgn with Bench
The addition of a garden bench provides seating in a peaceful setting.
Garden Vista Design at Williamsburg Classic Home
Garden rooms at this Williamsburg Classic home provide unique vistas from each room
Formal Garden Design
A formal garden replaced an outdated pool.
Stately planting garden design
Beautiful architecture is enhanced by stately planting.
small garden vignette deisgn
Small garden vignette outside a library window.
Italian Villa Garden Deisgn
Dynamic Palms enhance the entry to a beachside Italian Villa
Garden Deisgn that stands the test of time.
This 20 year old garden design is still making a statement in this neighborhood
Garden Design Ranch Style House
A mid-century ranch with personality.
Modern beach landscape design
A modern approach at the beach.
Beautiful Gardens Traditional Brick home
Traditional brick home has a small front garden separated from a private parking area off the street.
Garden Design & Landscaping 1920s Home
Appropriate landscaping for this 1920's home.


We had the privilege of collaborating on a large renovation project with Sunscapes. Gerry and Judy are a wealth of knowledge. Their approach is thoughtful and their execution is very professional. I can’t imagine anybody not benefitting from their experience.